Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If The Hat Fits

There is something about wearing a hat that can give you that certain something. You feel more uptown, more elegant, more posh. 

Oh, wait a minute – it’s Halloween. Maybe that’s not the feeling you get when adorning your head with a witch hat.  I set this table last year but never blogged about it. So the question is which Witch hat are you wearing this year?

Sculpted formal velvet:




Or sheer with purple swirls and bats:


The mummy likes that one:


Wendy likes her hat to match her outfit.


Now that you’ve picked your favorite, have a seat.


I’ve told the bats they must stay out of the way, so they are hanging out in the chandelier. 


I can’t promise they will behave.


A couple decided to disguise themselves as candy dishes. See there’s one on the corner of the table.


Not a bad disguise.



Every place setting has a pet spider for you to take home. No, don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do as you came for a visit.


My cute napkin rings were a gift from my friend Kim. She picked them up at Tuesday Morning.


I only had one new purchase on this table last year. I found the Happy Halloween plates at Von’s when went to pick up candy. At 50% off they were $2.98. A visit to another Von’s and I had eight.


Have a drink, it’s sure to give you a glow inside.


It’s getting late. Almost the “Witching Hour”.


Have a safe broom ride home.  Don’t forget your pet.


I think I will sit in the corner with Wendy and relax for a while.  Thanks so much for coming.


Stitch at you Soon,

Partying with:
Cuisine Kathleen – Let's Dish
No Minimalist Here - Open House Party
I Gotta Create - Wildly Original Link Party
Between naps on the Porch – Tablescape Thursday

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Well Hello There.

I’m baaaaack! Since it’s Halloween time I figured that would be appropriate. I find it scary that it has been so long.


Of course there were plans to post before now. I assure you I have taken many pictures in anticipation of  blogging. As I have fallen asleep I have written many fun and witty posts (or they seemed that way). But until someone figures out a way to connect my brain to the computer while sleeping, you guys will never get to see them.

Between sleep & blogging - honestly, sleep always seems to win in the battle.


But, it got to be embarrassing. Friends, family and customers at the store are not shy in mentioning that I haven’t posted.

I have to say that I am constantly amazed at all of you who are able to blog on a consistent basis. Do you not sleep? Or are you so organized that you plan posts way in advance. Am I the only one that always feel as if I am running on catch up? I’m pretty sure that if I started fresh tomorrow, that I would be behind by the end of the day.


So, tomorrow, I will share a tablescape. So pull out your pointy hats and I’ll see you then.

Stitch at you then,