My two favorite sounds in the world are the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves on a tree and rain. But sometimes you can have to much of a good thing. Yesterday the wind was out of control.
Growing up in the Antelope Valley the big joke was the dates of the Wind Festival. I remember for a time someone had t-shirts available that were printed:
Antelope Valley Wind Festival
January 1st thru December 31st
Today was a good indication of where the saying came from. The winds raged during the day from 35 to 45 mph most of the day and reached 60 mph at times. It is the second time in the last few months that it has blown this hard.
The last time I was returning from a Quilt Shop owners meeting in Ahaheim when I returned to this.
Yes, I stopped the car, got out and took the picture. I did not take it while driving. Both hands definitely need to be on the wheel as the wind tries to make you change lanes.
The trees tend to grow tilted to one side. This palm tree was losing the battle.
Blinding sandstorms on the 14 Freeway cause freeway closures. Blowing dust in the region can reduce visibility to near zero.
Big rigs are blown over and there are horrid pile ups .
But, the dirt eventually lands. Our pool was cleaned yesterday morning.
Today the wind has slowed to a more normal speed of 20 – 25 mph. Acceptable, it keeps the air clean and the reduces the temperature a few degrees from todays high of 84. Although many do not share my appreciation of its merits.
Stitch at you Soon,